Guy Lodge
Guy Lodge is a devoted father who home-schools his daughters. With intense research, he educated himself on the natural window of opportunity for children learning to read and then poured it all into his children, teaching his daughters each to read by the age of three. A strong desire to share that information with other parents led to him launching Learn 2 Read Read 2 Learn LLC. His strategic effort to share on a much larger scale and to positively affect the development of as many children as possible.
“ I vividly recall hearing the word valedictorian for the first time. I was in junior high school at Philippa Schuyler, I.S.383 in Brooklyn, attending my graduation rehearsal assembly. When my Principal introduced the valedictorian to us, that was the first time I ever heard the word. For some reason, that bothered me so much that I never forgot about it. As a homeschool teacher, that experience made me realize that it’s kind of hard to reach such a lofty goal if you don’t know it exists. Students should be empowered as early as possible. Therefore, I was moved to create this book to ensure that not only will readers strive to be a VALEDICTORIAN, but more importantly, they will adopt the VALEDICTORIAN frame of mind of always trying their very best at everything that they do.”